Matthew H. Etheridge, DPM, FACFAS
 825 E. Burgess Road
Dr. Jonathan Snellgrove, DPM
 825 E. Burgess Road


A PADnet+ is a diagnostic test that can provide early detection of P.A.D. The PADnet+ detects blockages in arteries and the quality of blood flow using pulse volume recordings and segmental blood pressure measurements. The results from this test will allow your doctor to determine the best treatment options. Treatment options include lifestyle modification, medication, noninvasive therapies, and invasive therapeutic options.
BioMedix PADnet — Pensacola, FL — Pensacola Podiatry P.A.
What to Expect

The exam most often takes 15-20 minutes and is completely painless. It feels similar to having your blood pressure taken during your regular check-ups. You will lie down on the exam table. Be sure to let us know if you think you cannot tolerate lying flat on the exam table for the duration of the test. Pressure cuffs will be wrapped snugly around your arms, above knees, calves, and ankles. The technician will inflate the cuffs, and sensors record the pulse waves. Let the technician know if the pressure from the inflated cuffs is uncomfortable.

Your blood pressures will be recorded at your arms and ankles. The Ankle-Brachial Index, known as the ABI, is determined by the ratio between these pressures.

P.A.D. is diagnosed if your ankle pressure is lower than your arm pressure. With severe narrowing, the ABI or ankle pressure maybe half of your arm pressure. Your doctor may recommend additional diagnostic tests if the ABI is abnormal.
After Your Test

This is a pain-free, non-invasive test. You may return to your normal routine right after the test and your doctor will let you are:
  • Over the age of 50
  • Smoke or used to smoke
  • Have diabetes
  • Have high blood pressure
  • Have high blood cholesterol
  • Have a family history of vascular disease, heart attack or stroke
  • Are African American
Are You at Risk? Take the survey to find out.

People with Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) are at significantly increased risk for stroke and heart attack. Take this brief survey to determine if you are at risk for Peripheral Artery Disease and if a vascular exam will help us better assess your vascular health status.

What are Symptoms of P.A.D?

We are dedicated to the early detection of vascular disease, which is undiagnosed in more than 8 million people in the US alone. Ask us about PADnet+ testing if you believe you are at risk for P.A.D. Find out the facts and what you can do to lower your risk.
Pain in the legs brought on by walking and relieved with rest
Pain in the legs at rest due to poor circulation
Poorly healing wound on lower extremity
Injury to lower limb or foot involving vessels

What is PAD?

Peripheral Arterial Disease, known as P.A.D., is a common, yet serious disease that is extremely under-diagnosed. P.A.D. occurs when there is a build-up of cholesterol and plaque in the arteries of the lower extremities, causing decreased blood flow to the legs and feet. Just like build up in the heart, clogged arteries in the lower extremities can cause a stroke or heart attack. Luckily, today there is a new, non-invasive technology that can detect if you are at risk.
Peripheral Artery Disease Measuring — Pensacola, FL — Pensacola Podiatry P.A.
Peripheral Arterial Disease (P.A.D) is a serious circulatory condition where clogged or narrowed arteries cause poor circulation to the arms, legs, brain or kidneys. It occurs most often in the lower extremities, causing decreased blood flow to the legs and feet. Just like buildup in the heart, clogged arteries in the lower extremities can cause a stroke or heart attack. Over 10 million Americans have P.A.D. and, left untreated, P.A.D. is fatal 30% of the time within a five-year period.* Fortunately, today there is a non-invasive technology that can determine the presence of P.A.D. PADnet+ is a P.A.D. test that can be completed in 15-20 minutes during a regular office visit.

For patients with increased risk factors, including those being 50 years of age or older with a history of diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or smoking, being informed about this arterial disease is especially essential. Leg pain and discoloration of the toes or feet are possible symptoms of P.A.D. It is important to note, however, that many people with P.A.D. do not experience any symptoms. Testing can help determine if you have P.A.D. and whether medical or surgical treatment is necessary.
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